Groomer's Goop Testimonial

Ladda Subtasen, breeder, groomer, feline show competitor, and Groomer’s Goop distributor in Thailand

I first happened to know Groomer’s Goop at a cat show about twenty years ago. I realized the condition of my cat’s coat was not as good as other competitors and it did affect the result of the show.

A breeder recommended I to use Groomer’s Goop degreaser each time before bathing. I followed her advice and I just loved my cat’s coat very much after bathing. It was totally different.

Then I started using other products of Groomer’s Goop and I was so happy for the outcome that I thought it would be very nice to be these good products’ representative. And here I am now, the representative of Groomer’s Goop in Thailand.
— Ladda Subtasen, breeder, groomer, feline show competitor, Groomer's Goop Distributor in Thailand